
Kyoto Journal 103: Creativity (Digital Issue)

Online Format
Japan, Kyoto: Kyoto Journal

PLAYING AROUND by Leanne Ogasawara, introducing fine art felt work by Jorie Johnson In KJ#103 Creativity, Winter 2022, “we bring together the striving of poets, musicians,

Sanyo Chemicals Magazine, no. 528

2021 Autumn
Kyoto, Japan: Sanyo Chemical News

Insight into the sometimes unusual thought process of felt artisans, both in the 8th c. and 21st c CE.


2021 Jun
Japan, Kyoto: Spinnuts Publications スピナッツ出版

“Genius of Feltmaking: Creating a 7th CE Replica of Shosoin Treasures Kasen no.17 Felt Rug” by Jorie Johnson (pp. L-05-L-08, Japanese language) Always a gem

Felt Matters issue 142, Genius of Feltmaking

2021 Mar
UK: International Feltmakers Association

A short article introducing the experience of replicating an 8th CE felt carpet from the Shōsō-in Treasures of Nara, Japan. The replica portion was completed

Kyoto Art Festival 2020

2020 Oct
JAPAN, Kyoto: Kyoto Art Festival Art Division International Exhibition/Gallery Kei Fu ギャラリー恵風

2020 Kyoto Art Festival, International Exhibition of Art Due to the Corona pandemic the usual city venue was closed to the team, therefore the “Small

UPPERCASE Magazine, for the Creative and Curious

2020 Jul
CANADA, Calgary: Uppercase Magazine

A short introduction to Jorie Johnson, Kyoto Japan. “Beyond waste not, want not” and the Japanese saying in regret of waste “mottainai”, poetically these “remnants