Join me in the lovely mountainside of Oberrot, outside Stuttgart, for a five-day course introducing the depth in feltmaking by creating your own silk fabrics using traditional Japanese Sumi Ink, Persimmon Tanin and also erasing design into silk while scouring. Please contact the Wollknoll Office.
Expect to start by making a palette of unique fabrics after an introduction to the use of sumi ink and marking implements, and de-gumming while patterning organza fabrics. Then we will apply these unique fabrics and your design ideas to create personal work such as a shawl, wrap skirt or framed art piece. We are concentrating on making “layer upon layer” of design, dyed wool, structure and shape for experiencing the full potential of feltmaking and fabric collaboration.
Hope to meet you there. Jorie This class, Kurs 60, will be taught in English.
Location: Wollknoll GmbH
Forsthausstraße 7, 74420 Oberrot-Neuhausen, Germany
Tel: 00-49(0)79- 77 91 02 98, Fax: 00-49(0)79- 77 91 04 88

natural dye with sensibility