Dec 4 (Wed) - Dec 15 (Sun), 2024 11:00 - 19:00
酒の器TOYODA, 〒612-8047 京都市伏見区上油掛町190 (View Map) 075-611-7822
A warm thank you to Toyoda Kie-san who requests my work each December to be included in this “neighborhood” show. A warm way to handle the colder season wherever you are, or wherever you end up. ❄️
JoiRae Textiles’ Autumn/Winter 2024-25 collection includes detailing from her “Honeycomb” series. Originally published in the co-authored book, Fabulous Felted Scarves 2010, a Lark Crafts USA publication. Although this may appear like knitting, weaving, or embroidery, it is a well controlled, fully felted motif. Also available, JRT hand-warmers are great for autumn through spring weather wear. Additionally, the colorful, popular gift flower containers which (with felted flowers, too) will keep you company all year round…contact Ms. Toyoda for more information. どうぞ宜しくお願いします。お元気で、ね!