Slow Fiber Studios
WSNF sponsors Jorie’s FELT MAKING workshops x ①~④ sessions
Happy to post about these exciting HYBRID (simultaneous in-house and online) workshops, with specific updated information sent directly to participants.
If you’re interested in one or all of the workshops, please get in touch with the World Shibori Network Foundation.
Note: Jorie will bring examples with her from Japan. Due to her travel situation, she cannot supply students with materials. Some items she will bring include 3-layer bubblewrap for resist for pincushion, JJ’s personal felting equipment, personal Sumi, Indigo & Benibo stick(s), liquid Sumi, dry Kakishibu powder, some tweeds, veils, some Washi, etc. what she needs for sampling … and will use for demonstrations.
Basic Equipment for Every Workshop
- 2 x hand towels
- sharp pointed scissors, small sewing kit (pins, measure, needle & thread, marker pen, notebook, etc.
- 2 x soft plastic hand-size bags for rubbing surfaces (bakery bags)
- small chunk of soap
- felting solution applicator (plastic bottle with shower top or holes punched in cap), small shampoo bottle
- light plastic sheet 15 x 15 in for rolling work in
- 1/2~1 inch diam. rolling rod (pvc pipe, dowel, stainless)

① 1-Day Workshop: July 28, 2023
Adorable Pomegranate Pin (cushion)
Let’s get together and review materials and strategies to manipulate fine wool fiber into a charming 3-dimensional handmade felt brooch or a useful studio pincushion! A beginner’s course.
Wool Fiber & Design Materials & Findings:-Merino wool: Flower Brooch= 8g; Pin cushion base= 12g; Both require 1g flower petal accent
Try several color combinations at home, ex. Bright petal, darker base, lighter petal, same darker tone base
- Light weight, open weave wool tweed, check, or veil fabric to use as flower center design or novelty yarn may be substituted
- 4-5g polyester batting as fill for pin cushion
- pin back(s) (typical craft store metal pin back)
- small piece of “label size” ribbon to cover pin back
We hope to make one of each item, if not more…
Additional useful items (If you own): a digital scale for dyes (small quantity in grams)

② 2-Days Workshop: July 29-30
Shōsōin 8th C. Motif Chair Cushion or Pillow
In this short session we will learn to prepare thin, soft felts, in 3-6 color steps, from which we will cut floral forms, such as leaves, petals and vines. There are interesting cutting moves, without patterns, that not only use the limited material well, but allow rapid cutting. Let’s work on a chair mat size in the similar way to that of the 8th c. Shōsōin felt rugs. Jorie will give a PowerPoint including history and pattern-making techniques.
Personal felting equipment in a larger scale (See basic info above)
- 20 x 20in bubble wrap, and same size plastic sheet =set
- 5~10g of 60~64s merino in gradated colors, each of ex. 3 steps of indigo blue, 3–4 steps of soft red, (similar to the natural colors of Sappanwood, Indigo and light green) or any lt., med., and dk. gradation of the same color. As opposed to color-blending, we will address light to dark design through “steps” of prefelt elements.
- 60g per mat: Look for a coarser wool for the mat base. Traditionally white was used (it shows quality of preparation of fiber) but I like beige and light brown wool, such as Karakul or any felt rug quality fiber.
- Piece of old sheet (25 x 50 inches?)
- 2 nylon knee highs, or cord to tie off bundle for rolling
Check this link to view images of the mid-8th C. Shōsōin Kasen felt rugs Nara, Japan

③ 2-Days Workshop: August 3-4
Splash of Color Shibori Enhanced Felt Beads, Baubles, and Felt Cords
Jorie enjoyed teaching this class in Japan during an International Shibori Symposium. We have the opportunity to make and dye unique, colorful felt body ornaments that add a dash of color to your wardrobe.
- Personal felting equipment for small items (see above) including:
- Small bamboo rolling mat for cord making
- Coated linen pendant cord & “Futon needle” for use in stringing
- Matching pair of small wooden boards (ex. 4 x 8 x 0.5 in.) and 2 x C-clamps for
Ita-jime effect - Thick, short rubber bands for Shibori wrapping effect
- Zip pulls ties (with lock release if possible)
- 6-8 inch 1/2 in dowels to wrap around
- Thick rubber gloves for dyeing
- Spaghetti measure is helpful for consistent size beads
- Merino wool as Bead Base: in a variety of bright colors in small quantities
- Additional Useful Item (if you own): a digital scale used for dyes (small quantity in grams)

④ 3-Days Workshop: August 5-7
Fine Art Felt Experimentation: Mixed fiber, Sumi ink application, over-dye, and more…
This is an opportunity to experience the variety of approaches to experimental felt surface expression. After-dye resist-dyeing techniques, direct drawing of Sumi ink, stick pigments, and Persimmon tannin on felt. Consider bringing inlay materials like Washi paper, ramie, silk or gauze fabrics, silk hankies, skeletal leaves, blended vegetable fibers, woolen fabric cutoffs, and other auxiliary materials as examples of a few approaches while working with the wool base and felt making strategies. Suggested base is wool prefelt or wool batts, with extra variety of local wool in natural, vegetable, or acid color, …brushes, paints, mixing jars…what you normally use, and we’ll take it from there!
Your sketches and ideas.
Participants are urged to bring materials that they have considered incorporating with wool in flat or 3-D works. Through PowerPoint presentation and group consultation, participants compose a strategy and departure preparation for sampling of enhanced self-expression in the medium.
- Personal felting equipment (as suggested above) in a larger format.
- J will bring materials listed above for demo and trial use.
- Limited dye pots will be available.