May 15 (Mon) - Jun 2 (Fri), 2023 12:00 - 18:00 (Closed Sat. & Sun., closing time at 17:00 on the last day)
Galerie h2O , 〒604-8084 109 Fukunagacho Tominokoji St. (Sanjo Agaru) Nakakyō-ku (View Map) 075-213-3783 075-254-8038

Instead of the conventional white cube gallery space, art works will be displayed on bookshelves in a space like a personal study, allowing visitors to slowly become familiar with the work.
The show includes about 30 miniature works by mainly fiber artists, as well as the collection of THE OFFICE. All works will be available for purchase.
Gallery h2O will operate as a salon, where one can enjoy the art along with the library. The aim is for “art in everyday life”.
The café is also open Monday, Thursday, & Friday, 10:00-15:00.
コレクション作家:井田照一、八田 豊、元永定正、三浦景生、小林尚美、磯辺晴美、吉村正郎、グレン·カウフマン、マイケル·ブレナンウツド、キャリル·スイッション他
インビテーション作家:上野真知子、扇 千花、大住由季、大高 亨、加賀城 健、河原林美知子、ジョリー·ジョンソン、高木光司、舘正明、田辺由子、戸矢崎満雄、奈良平宜子、仁尾敬二、野田凉美、ひろいのぶこ、藤野靖子、本田昌史、三橋 遵、吉水絹代
Artist Reception May 19th, Welcome!