In coordination with the 11th ISS, International Shibori Symposium, and The World Shibori Network, Jorie Johnson will be teaching two half-day feltmaking accessory workshops in Nagoya at the end of June.
Please contact the 11th ISS committee for reservations and further information.
A quick plunge introduction into quality feltmaking for accessories, plus patterning capabilities through select Shibori/Tie-dye techniques using acid dyes. This is not child’s play…
Dates: June 28th (C-6) Log Pendants with Felt Cord (PM 13:30-16:30)
June 29th (D-6): Itajime Bead Necklaces (AM 9:30-12:30)
Place: Konsei Company, Shimonaka-22 Narumichō, Midori-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 458-0801
(有)近清商店, 〒458-0801 名古屋市緑区鳴海町字下中21番地 TEL.052-624-0029