USA: Celestial Threads: Contemporary Japanese Gallery of the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco


Aurora Borealis Ensemble, Collection de Young
Aurora Borealis Ensemble, Collection de Young
Sunset Over Uji River Ensemble, 2013-2014
Sunset Over Uji River Ensemble, 2013-2014
Sunset Over Uji Rive Ensemble, Undergarment: scoured, dyed silks, wool
Sunset Over Uji Rive Ensemble, Undergarment: scoured, dyed silks, wool
Stand in front of Aurora Borealis Ensemble (1996) and Sunset Over Uji River Ensemble (2013-2014) Wool, holographic fiber, rayon/wool novelty yarn, metallic/silk fabric, polyester hair extension, scoured and dyed silks;  felt making
Contemporary Japanese Gallery of the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco,  August 12, 2014 through April 4, 2015
Asian Art Museum
Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art & Culture
200 Larkin St.
San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
(415) 581-3686

Celestial Threads, Asian Arts Museum of San Francisco
Celestial Threads, Asian Arts Museum of San Francisco
Celestial Threads, Jorie Johnson and Sarah Brayer
Celestial Threads, Jorie Johnson and Sarah Brayer
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