JoiRae Textiles
In honor of the autumn viewing of the 75th Annual Shōsō-in Exhibition at the Nara National Museum, JoiRae Textiles is happy to give away three copies of the book フェルトメーキングウールマジック(Feltmaking Wool Magic, Japanese text only). This is a comprehensive text on the art of feltmaking. Aspects of the Shōsō-in felt rug collection are briefly explained in the history and motif making chapters of the book. Published in 1999 this is still a handy guide for the beginner, an aid for elementary school and university teachers, as well as anyone interested in wool.
For further information, here is an interesting presentation (in Japanese) by Professor Sugimoto, a member of the Imperial Household Agency of Nara which introduces not only the 74th Shōsō-in Treasures but links them to this year’s 75th Exhibition works, as well:
Happy felt-making, Jorie Johnson
Free shipping within Japan to the first three TWO persons. Hurry up! Offer ends Nov. 13, 2023
To participate in the giveaway, send your contact information to: